quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Before the dream took form

I wish that just for once I could make things as easy as I wish they were...
I wish I could just greet my friends a bye-bye and spread my wings, fly through higher skies, play in clouds of white...
I wish dreams were not so distant, and that I could move freely between them and reality...
I wish life was as simple as we think it should be and we all would be happier and lighter...
I wish people were human, not just a result of this blood-thirsty society, this do-anything-for-money life style...
I wish feelings were not wasted and simply changed by fancy cars or fake intentions...

Escrito em 21/07/2010.

Um comentário:

  1. Acho que já li essa poesia em primeira mão há um certo tempo... :D

    Am I right?
