sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011


It’s funny how a short moment can change the course of an entire life...
Suddenly you’re just not willing to do something you should - the next moment you’re closer you’ve ever been to your biggest dream.
Things seem to be so simple and much more complex at the same time.
You realize you could have enjoyed your time better… and at the same time you think you did the best you could.
Some people become even more precious than they were, while some prove to be just one more to the statistical analysis and end up not making any difference…
But I guess that’s just what life’s all about…
People come and go... some leave you profound marks you won’t ever forget… some are gonna be forever printed inside your eyelid and every time you close your eyes, they’ll just pop up into your sight like vivid pictures… some are gonna cause teardrops to stream down your face… and that’s not a bad thing.
But life goes on after all… we keep on collecting people to out “unforgettable” folder and keep on learning how to make a better world.

Escrito em 04/11/2010.

quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011

Doubts and certainties

I don't know where these roads will lead me
     I just know I wanna take 'em
I don't know where to turn
     I just know I don't wanna stop
I don't know if I'll find a way back
     I just know I wanna go
I don't know what's waiting for me around the corner
    I just know I'll take my chances
I don't know who I'll meet on the other end
    I just know I'll miss the ones behind.

Escrito em 29/10/2010.

segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011

A little shining spark

Have you ever stopped to think about your life? About what you're doing with it and where you're leading it? And have you ever stopped to think about the life and the lives that surround you? I don't mean it like "What are they doing?"... no, that's not the point. I mean it like "There's just so much to do and so many places to know, so much life waiting to be dicovered and..." and I'm here. Why? What have I done of my dreams? Are they supposed to be buried when I feel them knocking a little under the surface?

I don't think so.

Escrito em 20/08/2010.

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Before the dream took form

I wish that just for once I could make things as easy as I wish they were...
I wish I could just greet my friends a bye-bye and spread my wings, fly through higher skies, play in clouds of white...
I wish dreams were not so distant, and that I could move freely between them and reality...
I wish life was as simple as we think it should be and we all would be happier and lighter...
I wish people were human, not just a result of this blood-thirsty society, this do-anything-for-money life style...
I wish feelings were not wasted and simply changed by fancy cars or fake intentions...

Escrito em 21/07/2010.

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

The Very Beginning

Por onde começar?

Nem sempre a vida nos trata como gostaríamos; nem sempre a vida é tratada como deveria; nesse meio tempo, o que devemos fazer é aproveitá-la, vivê-la. Olhar as coisas positivas que ela nos oferece e aprender, aprender sempre, tanto com as coisas boas como com as coisas nem tão boas assim. Sofrer e sofrer perdas fazem parte da vida, e geralmente não temos como evitá-las, mas é, sim, opção de cada um de nós, o que fazer a partir disso. Podemos simplesmente continuar a sofrer e levar nossas vidas em uma lamúria infindável, como podemos decidir ser mais forte do que isso e fazer disso uma alavanca e uma vacina, que nos leva mais alto, nos fortalece e nos deixa mais preparados para enfrentar o mundo de frente, com perdas e ganhos, com apresentações e despedidas, com beijos e corações partidos.

Essa é só a introdução.
A partir de agora pretendo postar coisas que já foram escritas e coisas que ainda estão para ser escritas. Assim que minha viagem tiver início, quero fazer um relato, o mais frequentemente possível das novas experiências, dos novos lugares, das novas pessoas e novos aprendizados pelos quais vou passar.
Boa leitura, e nos falamos em breve.